Максимально допустимі залишки ДР "Бромід метилу" в продуктах (відповідно до законодавcтва США)

Загальна інформація

МДЗ - максимально допустимі залишки.

Назва Methyl bromide
Назва українською Бромід метилу
Змінити діючу речовину

Максимально допустимі залишки в розрізі продуктів

Назва продукту Назва продукту (англ) МДЗ (ppm) Визначено МДЗ Закінчення дії Лише для імпорту Використання за призначенням CFR Нечітко визначений продукт Примітка до продукту Визначення залишків
Мигдаль Almond 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Яблуко Apple 5 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Абрикос Apricot 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Топінамбур Artichoke, jerusalem 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Спаржа Asparagus 100 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Авокадо Avocado 75 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Ячмінь, зерно Barley, grain 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бобові Bean 50 на рівні держави Dry or succulent form. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бобові Bean 50 на рівні держави Dry or succulent form; The US classifies chickpea in both the bean and the pea categories. For chickpea only, the highest established pea or bean tolerance will apply to pesticide residues found in this commodity. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бобові Bean 50 на рівні держави Dry or succulent form. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Квасоля лімська Bean, lima 50 на рівні держави The term lima beans means the beans and the pod. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Спаржева квасоля, сукулентна Bean, snap, succulent 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Квасоля сукулентна Bean, succulent 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Квасоля сукулентна Bean, succulent 50 на рівні держави The US classifies chickpea in both the bean and the pea categories. For chickpea only, the highest established pea or bean tolerance will apply to pesticide residues found in this commodity. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Квасоля сукулентна Bean, succulent 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Столовий буряк коренеплоди Beet, garden, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Цукровий буряк коренеплоди Beet, sugar, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Ягідно-фруктова група 13-07 Berry and small fruit group 13-07 5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Чорниця Blueberry 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Капуста, головка і качан, група культур 5-16 Brassica, head and stem, crop group 5-16 1 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 For MRL compliance, the U.S. FDA will apply the highest established U.S. MRL for a pesticide set on Brussels sprouts, kale, and crop groups that include Brussels sprouts and/or kale. Kale sprouts are a hybrid of Brussels sprouts and kale, and are also known by the trade names Kalettes and Lollipops. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Капуста, головка і качан, група культур 5-16 Brassica, head and stem, crop group 5-16 1 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Мускатний гарбуз Butternut 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Капуста Cabbage 50 на рівні держави Cabbage, US Definition: Cabbage, Chinese cabbage (tight-heading varieties only). Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Какао-боби, смажені боби Cacao bean, roasted bean 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кактус Cactus 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Мускусна диня Cantaloupe 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Морква, коріння Carrot, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кешью Cashew 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Сир Cheese 325 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 325 ppm in or on cheese, parmesan and cheese, roquefort cheese. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Черешня Cherry, sweet 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кисла вишня Cherry, tart 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Каштан Chestnut 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Міні ріпчаста цибуля цибулина Cippolini, bulb 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Лимон цитрус Citron, citrus 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кокос, копра Coconut, copra 100 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кокос, копра Coconut, copra 8 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Кава, зерна, зелені Coffee, bean, green 75 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кава, зерна, зелені Coffee, bean, green 150 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Польова кукурудза, зерно Corn, field, grain 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Зерна кукурудзи Corn, pop 240 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Цукрова кукурудза, ядро ​​і качан з очищеним лушпинням Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бавовник неочищене насіння Cotton, undelinted seed 150 на рівні держави Methyl bromide: A tolerance is established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including metabolites and degradates, in or on the commodity. Compliance with the tolerance level specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide.
Огірок Cucumber 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Гарбузи, насіння Cucurbit, seed 150 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 так Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Кмин, насіння Cumin, seed 100 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Яйце, сушене Egg, dried 400 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 400 ppm in or on egg, dried and herb, processed and spice. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Баклажани Eggplant 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Ферментований солодовий напій Fermented malt beverage 25 на рівні держави When inorganic bromide residues are present in malt beverage, fermented in accordance with US 21 CFR 172.730(a)(2), the amount shall not exceed 25 parts per million (calculated as Br). For additional tolerances related to fumigants for processed grains used in production of fermented malt beverages, see US 40 CFR 180.522. Inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Рис Fig 10 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Інжир, сухофрукти Fig, dried fruit 250 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 250 ppm in or on tomato, concentrated products and fig, dried fruit. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Цитрусові група 10-10 Fruit, citrus, group 10-10 2 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Цитрусові група 10-10 Fruit, citrus, group 10-10 2 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 так Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Цитрусові група 10-10 Fruit, citrus, group 10-10 2 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Кісточкові плоди група 12- 12 Fruit, stone, group 12-12 5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Кісточкові плоди група 12- 12 Fruit, stone, group 12-12 5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 так Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Кісточкові плоди група 12- 12 Fruit, stone, group 12-12 5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Часник Garlic 50 на рівні держави Garlic, US Definition: Garlic, great headed; garlic, and serpent garlic. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Імбир Ginger 100 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Імбир Ginger 100 US Regional Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: A tolerance with regional registration, as defined in §180.1(l), is established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodity grown in soil fumigated with methyl bromide.
Виноград Grape 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Грейпфрут Grapefruit 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Фундук Hazelnut 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Оброблені трави Herb, processed 400 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 400 ppm in or on egg, dried and herb, processed and spice. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Трави та прянощі, група 19 Herbs and spices, group 19 35 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Хрін Horseradish 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кумкват Kumquat 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Лимон Lemon 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Лайм Lime 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Медова диня Melon, honeydew 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Подрібнене зерно отримане з зернових, з усіх джерел фумігації, включаючи фумігацію зернових машин Milled fractions derived from cereal grain from all fumigation sources, including fumigation of grain-mill machinery 125 на рівні держави Inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Мускусна диня Muskmelon 20 на рівні держави Muskmelon, US Definition: Cucumis melo (includes true cantaloupe, cantaloupe, casaba, Santa Claus melon, crenshaw melon, honeydew melon, honey balls, Persian melon, golden pershaw melon, mango melon, pineapple melon, snake melon, and other varieties and/or hybrids of these). Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Мускусна диня Muskmelon 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Мускусна диня Muskmelon 20 на рівні держави Muskmelon, US Definition: Cucumis melo (includes true cantaloupe, cantaloupe, casaba, Santa Claus melon, crenshaw melon, honeydew melon, honey balls, Persian melon, golden pershaw melon, mango melon, pineapple melon, snake melon, and other varieties and/or hybrids of these). Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Нектарин Nectarine 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бразильський горіх Nut, brazil 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Гікорі Nut, hickory 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Макадамія Nut, macadamia 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Овес Oat 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Олійні культури, група 20 Oilseed, group 20 150 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бамія Okra 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Цибуля ріпчаста Onion, bulb 20 на рівні держави Onion, bulb, US Definition: Bulb onion; garlic; great headed garlic; serpent garlic; Chinese onion; pearl onion; potato onion; and shallot, bulb. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Зелена цибуля Onion, green 20 на рівні держави Onion, green, US Definition: Green onion; lady's leek; leek; wild leek; Beltsville bunching onion; fresh onion; tree onion, tops; Welsh onion; and shallot, fresh leaves. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Апельсин Orange 30 на рівні держави так Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Апельсин Orange 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Пастернак, коріння Parsnip, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Горох Pea 50 на рівні держави Dry or succulent form. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Горох Pea 50 на рівні держави Dry or succulent form; The US classifies chickpea in both the bean and the pea categories. For chickpea only, the highest established pea or bean tolerance will apply to pesticide residues found in this commodity. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Горох Pea 50 на рівні держави Dry or succulent form. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Горох Pea 50 на рівні держави Pea is defined by the US as including edible podded peas, or the succulent variety of snow peas. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Горох Pea 50 на рівні держави Pea is defined by the US as including edible podded peas, or the succulent variety of sugar snap peas. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Горох, чорноокий Pea, blackeyed 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Персик Peach 20 на рівні держави Peach, US Definition: Peach, nectarine. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Арахіс Peanut 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Груша Pear 5 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Пекан Pecan 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Перець Pepper 30 на рівні держави Pepper, US Definition: All varieties of pepper including pimento and bell, hot, and sweet pepper. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
М'ята перцева, верхівка Peppermint, tops 35 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Духмяний ямайський перець Pimento 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Ананас Pineapple 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Фісташка Pistachio 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Слива Plum 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Слива Plum 20 на рівні держави так Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Гранат Pomegranate 100 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Картопля Potato 75 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Оброблені харчові продукти, крім перерахованих Processed food other than those listed 125 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 125 ppm in or on processed food other than those specifically listed in US 40 CFR 180.123. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Гарбуз Pumpkin 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Айва Quince 5 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Редька Radish 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Рис, зерно Rice, grain 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бруква, коріння Rutabaga, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Бруква, бадилля Rutabaga, tops 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Жито, зерно Rye, grain 50 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Козелець , коріння Salsify, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Сорго, зерно, зерно Sorghum, grain, grain 50 на рівні держави Sorghum, US Definition: Sorghum spp. [sorghum, grain, sudangrass (seed crop), and hybrids of these grown for its seed]. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Соєві боби Soybean 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
М’ята, верхівка Spearmint, tops 35 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Прянощі Spice 400 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 400 ppm in or on egg, dried and herb, processed and spice. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Прянощі Spice 400 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Прянощі Spice 400 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 400 ppm in or on egg, dried and herb, processed and spice. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Кабачки Squash, summer 30 на рівні держави Squash, summer, US Definition: Fruits of the gourd ( Cucurbitaceae ) family that are consumed when immature, 100% of the fruit is edible either cooked or raw, once picked it cannot be stored, has a soft rind which is easily penetrated, and if seeds were harvested they would not germinate; e.g., Cucurbita pepo ( i.e. , crookneck squash, straightneck squash, scallop squash, and vegetable marrow); Lagenaria spp. ( i.e. , spaghetti squash, hyotan, cucuzza); Luffa spp. ( i.e. , hechima, Chinese okra); Momordica spp. ( i.e. , bitter melon, balsam pear, balsam apple, Chinese cucumber); Sechium edule (chayote); and other cultivars and/or hybrids of these. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кабачки Squash, summer 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кабачки Squash, summer 30 на рівні держави Squash, summer, US Definition: Fruits of the gourd ( Cucurbitaceae ) family that are consumed when immature, 100% of the fruit is edible either cooked or raw, once picked it cannot be stored, has a soft rind which is easily penetrated, and if seeds were harvested they would not germinate; e.g., Cucurbita pepo ( i.e. , crookneck squash, straightneck squash, scallop squash, and vegetable marrow); Lagenaria spp. ( i.e. , spaghetti squash, hyotan, cucuzza); Luffa spp. ( i.e. , hechima, Chinese okra); Momordica spp. ( i.e. , bitter melon, balsam pear, balsam apple, Chinese cucumber); Sechium edule (chayote); and other cultivars and/or hybrids of these. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Зимові кабачки Squash, winter 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кабачки, цукіні Squash, zucchini 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Стеблові та черенкові овочі група 22 Stalk, stem and leaf petiole vegetable group 22 0.5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Полуниця Strawberry 60 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Батат Sweet potato 75 на рівні держави так Sweet potato, US Definition: Sweet potato, yam. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Батат Sweet potato 75 на рівні держави Sweet potato, US Definition: Sweet potato, yam. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Батат Sweet potato 75 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Мандарин Tangerine 30 на рівні держави Tangerine, US Definition: Tangerine (mandarin or mandarin orange); clementine; Mediterranean mandarin; satsuma mandarin; tangelo; tangor; cultivars, varieties, and/or hybrids of these. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Томат Tomato 20 на рівні держави Tomato, US Definition: Tomato, tomatillo. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Томат, концентровані продукти Tomato, concentrated products 250 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide may be present as a residue in certain processed food in accordance with the following conditions: When inorganic bromide residues are present as a result of fumigation of the processed food with methyl bromide or from such fumigation in addition to the authorized use of methyl bromide on the source raw agricultural commodity, the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) shall not exceed 250 ppm in or on tomato, concentrated products and fig, dried fruit. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for the total residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br).
Тропічні та субтропічні фрукти з їстівною шкіркою, група 23 Tropical and subtropical fruit, edible peel, group 23 10 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Тропічні та субтропічні фрукти з неїстівною шкіркою, група 24 Tropical and subtropical fruit, inedible peel, group 24 5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Турнепс коріння Turnip, roots 30 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Цибулеві овочі, група 3-07 Vegetable, bulb, group 3-07 2 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Гарбузові овочі, група 9 Vegetable, cucurbit, group 9 5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Плодоносні овочі група 8- 10 Vegetable, fruiting, group 8–10 7 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Листові овочі , група 4-16 Vegetable, leafy, group 4-16 0.5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Листові овочі , група 4-16 Vegetable, leafy, group 4-16 0.5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 For MRL compliance, the U.S. FDA will apply the highest established U.S. MRL for a pesticide set on Brussels sprouts, kale, and crop groups that include Brussels sprouts and/or kale. Kale sprouts are a hybrid of Brussels sprouts and kale, and are also known by the trade names Kalettes and Lollipops. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Листові овочі , група 4-16 Vegetable, leafy, group 4-16 0.5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Коренеплоди і бульби , група 2 Vegetable, leaves of root and tuber, group 2 0.5 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled; The US classifies chickpea in both the bean and the pea categories. For chickpea only, the highest established pea or bean tolerance will apply to pesticide residues found in this commodity. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded; Succulent shelled; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Succulent shelled; Dried shelled. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Бобові овочі , група 6 Vegetable, legume, group 6 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Edible podded. Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Коренеплоди і бульби, група 1 Vegetable, root and tuber, group 1 3 US Section 18 Dec 31, 2023 Methyl bromide: Time-limited tolerances are established for residues of the fumigant methyl bromide, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the specified agricultural commodities. Compliance with the tolerance levels specified is to be determined by measuring only methyl bromide, in or on the commodities, resulting from use of the pesticide pursuant to Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) section 18 emergency exemptions.
Волоський горіх Walnut 200 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Кавун Watermelon 20 на рівні держави Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
Пшениця Wheat 50 на рівні держави Wheat, US Definition: Wheat, triticale. Inorganic bromide resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide: Tolerances are established for residues of inorganic bromides (calculated as Br) in or on the food commodities which have been fumigated with the antimicrobial agent and insecticide methyl bromide after harvest (with the exception of strawberry).
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Пестициди під контролем

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